This Vehicle Valuation Report ("Report") has been prepared by the Company ("Appraiser") for the purpose of providing an estimated value for the vehicle specified in this report ("Vehicle"). By accessing or using this Report, you ("Client") agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
- The Report is based on the inspection conducted by the Appraiser.
- All information presented in this report is true and accurate to the best of the appraiser’s knowledge and belief. The valuation may not reflect any changes in the vehicle's condition or market value that may occur after the inspection.
- This report has been made for the stated purpose and cannot be relied on for any other purpose.
- The Appraiser has exercised due care and skill in preparing this Report based on their professional judgment and industry standards.
- No investigation has been made into the title to the Vehicle, and the report has assumed it to be the vehicle of the subject persons.
- No consideration has been given to liens or encumbrances which may be against the vehicle other than those discussed in this report.
- The appraiser renders no opinion as to legal fee or title. Prevailing liens, leases, or other encumbrances were disregarded and the property was appraised as if free and clear, unless otherwise specifically stated.
- The fee for this appraisal is not contingent on the values or other conclusions reported in the Report.
- Neither the Appraiser nor any member of the Appraiser has any financial interest or contemplated future interest in the vehicle being appraised. The Appraiser shall act independently and impartially in the preparation of the report.
- The information contained in this valuation report is confidential and proprietary. It is intended solely for the use of the recipient and should not be disclosed to the public or third parties in any part or form.
- Neither all nor any part of this report is to be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without the written consent and approval of the appraiser.
- The Appraiser acknowledges and respects the Client's privacy rights. All personal information collected during the appraisal process will be handled in accordance with the applicable data protection laws.
- By using our services, you consent to receiving promotional marketing communications from us, including product updates, special offers, and promotions. You acknowledge that you can revoke this consent at any time by opting out of receiving promotional communications.
- This appraisal has been made in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice and guidelines, as well as the ethical rules of the relevant professional bodies. It reflects the appraiser's best judgment. When appropriate, comparable prices from new and used equipment dealers have been consulted, and catalogues, trade publications, and comparative results of auction sales have been utilized.
- Information supplied by others that was considered in the valuation is from sources believed to be reliable and no further responsibility is assumed for its accuracy.
- All estimates of value are presented in this report as the appraiser’s considered opinion.
- The valuation provided in this report is based on the condition of the vehicle, current market conditions and comparable vehicle sales data. Market conditions are subject to change, and the actual selling price of the vehicle may vary depending on various factors, such as location, demand, and economic conditions.
- The appraiser reserves the right to make such adjustments to the valuation report as may be required by consideration of additional or more reliable information that may become available.
- Testimony or attendance in court by reason of this appraisal shall not be required unless arrangements for such services have previously been made.
- Consideration for possible environmental hazards from any source goes beyond the scope of this appraisal.
- It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the vehicle which would render it more or less valuable.
- Since conclusions by the appraiser are based upon judgments, isolation of a single element as the sole basis of comparison to the whole appraisal may be inaccurate.
- The opinion of value is only for the stated effective date of the valuation and for the stated purpose.